로그인 회원가입

community college

"community college" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • phrase, (지방자치단체에 의한)지역 전문 대학


  • Did I use her laptop to get through community college?
    제가 전문대 합격하려고 걔 노트북 좀 쓴것처럼요?
  • I've already filled out and dropped off my community college application.
    제가 원서 넣었던 지역 전문대학에 이미 떨어졌다는 말이에요?
  • I couldn't even afford to finish community college.
    Leeanna whirl(류블랴나 대학의 미국인 학생) 저는 지역사회 대학에 낼 돈도 없었어요
  • Drysdale, you teach philosophy at Bardonia Community College.
    드라이스데일 바도니아 대학 철학과 교수고
  • I'm signing up for some business classes at community college.
    지역대학에서 비지니스 수업 몇개를 신청했거든요.
  • Another brochure from a community college.
    커뮤니티 칼리지에서 책자가 또 왔어
  • I mean, think about it, I could go to community college,
    잘생각해보세요, community college에 갈수도 있지만,
  • Oh,honey,you can go to community college and get your grades up you can--
    얘야, 지역 단과대에 가서 성적만 잘 받으면...
  • So, you went to a community college, is it? I don't know.
    그래서, 야간 대학을 다녔다고?
  • Um, well, since I have a job now and I'm going to community college, uh, Dylan and I were thinking that, you know, we would get an apartment together.
    음, 있죠 저는 이제 직장도 있고 전문대에 가게 될거고
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영어 뜻

  • a nonresidential junior college offering a curriculum fitted to the needs of the community

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